About This Blogspot

Words of Wisdom for Wealth is designed to inspire you to stretch beyond your reach. Your only boundaries are your own perceptions of your potential. Listen to your life. Sometimes we ignore our gut instinct when we should act on it. Many will say not to dwell on the past but mistakes are to be learned from not repeated, so even though its filed away, bring back to memory what went wrong and do something DIFFERENT this time!

If your VISION is impaired then get into FOCUS! Are we there yet? There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. You are approaching your destination but never arriving, because the journey never ends.

Have an amazing day and remember when you feel you want to give up and have nothing left to give, you always have time, talent, and treasures. Posses them with power and use them with authority!

Stay posted for my upcoming book..

~Much love,Pamela

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dollar Cost Averaging...

The longer you wait to get what you want, the lesser the price and greater the payout. I say a lesser price because when you pay the price over a long period of time and take the average of the costs, it comes out to be less than the actual cost basis of one lump sum purchase. For example, when you purchase stocks on a regular basis for the same dollar amount each time, you will sometimes buy when the price is higher and sometimes when the price is lower. So that dollar amount will purchase more shares for you on the days prices are lower. In the end, if you take the total shares purchased over that period of time and the average purchase price, it typically is less than your cost basis. We can look at our life in the same way. The trials and tribulations we conquer seem to be spread over a period of our lives. So tackling each one as they come while it may be a burden still comes with a smaller price (sacrifice, lesson learned, loss, etc.) than if you were to take every circumstance you have ever had up to this point of your life in one day. Can you imagine how much that would cost you? It could take you out if you have not prepared yourself for the process in order to produce and progress. Regardless of market conditions this principal is going to work for the money that you invest. As a matter of fact right now, prices are lower than ever so all the more reason to invest yourself now. Taking the hits spread out, reduces but does not eliminate the volatility. In choosing investment options, your reward is tied to your risk. The safer you are the lower your reward. The more you are willing to put on the line, the greater your potential for higher rewards. If you are willing to sacrifice some things that you can do without for a while, do some things that you have never done before, be more receptive to wisdom, focus your efforts on the right endeavors and on the right people, the cost to you is more discounted. You start to acquire a payout of resilience, stamina, knowledge, power, strength, increased confidence, character, greater sense of manhood & womanhood, and faith. These acquisitions alone make you wealthy. Reinvest them each time you go through an episode. Use the principal with this in mind: What you release in small increments now, will reap large benefits in the long run. The race is not given to the swift but to the one who endures... by...P. Ballard