About This Blogspot

Words of Wisdom for Wealth is designed to inspire you to stretch beyond your reach. Your only boundaries are your own perceptions of your potential. Listen to your life. Sometimes we ignore our gut instinct when we should act on it. Many will say not to dwell on the past but mistakes are to be learned from not repeated, so even though its filed away, bring back to memory what went wrong and do something DIFFERENT this time!

If your VISION is impaired then get into FOCUS! Are we there yet? There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. You are approaching your destination but never arriving, because the journey never ends.

Have an amazing day and remember when you feel you want to give up and have nothing left to give, you always have time, talent, and treasures. Posses them with power and use them with authority!

Stay posted for my upcoming book..

~Much love,Pamela

Monday, October 19, 2009

Best Seller ...by Pamela Ballard

You've heard before, never judge a book by its cover...but shouldn't the cover reflect the contents of the book's pages in order to appeal to the proper audience? If you write a book on recipes, would it make sense to have a picture of flowers or cars on the front cover or a title that has nothing to do with recipes? I would say that's poor marketing or false advertising wouldn't you? It also keeps you from successfully finding pertinent information you may be looking for during a search. How many people do you know, they look like they have it all together on the outside, but their pages tell a different story? They say one thing (their title) but don't do what they say they will do. (false advertising) If you are really bogged down with pressures and extenuating circumstances, I'm not saying to walk around with your head hung low. But instead tell your story appropriately so someone who is looking for that pertinent information can find it (i.e. how you handled that situation). You don't have to walk around holding a billboard broadcasting what you are really hiding. Your words and actions are the cover of your book that others admire and come to appreciate as if it was a "best seller". Walk out and speak up! You never know who may want your autograph or buy your book after seeing its cover. If you aren't sure how to write a best selling book, here are a few tips:
  1. Have an idea. You should be the expert on this by the time you have gone through the trials and triumphs of your life.
  2. Get into character. To do this you have to keep it real. In fiction the characters are flawed and have issues just like we do in real life.
  3. You have to have a problem. Without it, there is nothing to write about. It may be the worse thing that ever happened to you and you are still here standing ready to tell it. This is key.
  4. Elements of the Story: Introduction, climax, resolution. Introduce the problem. Talk about the struggles that surround the problem. Then show how the problem is solved.
  5. The Ending. This should have the reader of your book holding on to your words for guidance.
  6. Getting Published. That's all on you!! Now, when is the signing tour?