About This Blogspot

Words of Wisdom for Wealth is designed to inspire you to stretch beyond your reach. Your only boundaries are your own perceptions of your potential. Listen to your life. Sometimes we ignore our gut instinct when we should act on it. Many will say not to dwell on the past but mistakes are to be learned from not repeated, so even though its filed away, bring back to memory what went wrong and do something DIFFERENT this time!

If your VISION is impaired then get into FOCUS! Are we there yet? There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. You are approaching your destination but never arriving, because the journey never ends.

Have an amazing day and remember when you feel you want to give up and have nothing left to give, you always have time, talent, and treasures. Posses them with power and use them with authority!

Stay posted for my upcoming book..

~Much love,Pamela

Sunday, December 6, 2009

On Point..or Out of Place (The Point Man) ...by Pamela Ballard

As I think about this topic, I am reminded of a dear friend who wears many hats and has mass responsibility. His juggling and sacrifice is inspiring. I dedicate this anecdote to him and do hope his equilibrium is “on point” since balance is a cornerstone to success. A point is an exact position or location on a plane surface. It is important to recognize that a point is not a thing but a place. Therefore, to say you are on point is to say you are in place. What does it mean to be called a ‘point man’? You are probably wondering, what do I know about it and I will say absolutely nothing from a man's perspective. That is why I am writing from an angle of one who is connected to a point man. Perhaps you immediately think of him being the ‘go to’ guy. Is this what it really means? Well let us explore the origin of the word. The term may relate to the Middle English phrase “in point” which means ‘to be in immediate danger.’ This term later rolled over to military practice in combat. The lead unit would advance through hostile, unsecured territory. The soldier (point man) was frequently the first to take an unexpected attack or hostile fire. With these risks, comes the need for constant bravery and extreme alertness to watch out for ambushes. Does any of this sound similar to what goes on in the natural and/or spirit realm? You do not have to be a veteran to relate to this. Men experience this everyday as they awake and lead their families (lead unit) or stand in the trenches for others (constant bravery). It is very important to have focus and support so the point man may be able to spot an ambush (unexpected attack or temptation.) The ambush can happen on the way to work, at work, on the way to the gym, on the way to church, even when he is alone. Being head of the enterprise, as he walks out ahead of the lead unit, he is the first to confront the enemy. His focus and support is derived from what and whom he treasures and values most. As the connector of the dots (points) in his surrounding I (you) must encourage him, push him, and sometimes let him steal away to recharge himself so that his armor may be polished and ready for the next combat. Sometimes he is caught up in the position of point man so much that he may be inclined to neglect the ones who are closest and care the most for him. He may not have the time he would like to have for them. Now he finds himself “out of place”. He will say he is making a sacrifice but it is really neglect from lack of balance. He is absorbed in the control and power that comes with being the point man or “The Man.” It can sometimes grow to where he now thrives on chaos, which eventually causes him to neglect himself. Thriving on chaos has him constantly on the go, overwhelmed, forgetful, overworked, exhausted, making hasty decisions that tack on more problems; he may even show signs of self-centeredness. He feels in his mind spontaneity works best in the disorganized unpredictability even though it is the root of some of the issues. A point man is extraordinary man, nonetheless. You would love to know one or have one (smile ladies). He is going to make sure all of his obligations are met, bases are covered, and as a leader, he inspires others through his stature, sacrifice, strength, and spirit. We must continue to embrace them when they fall out of place and help them get back on point, because there, they always are on TOP! I salute YOU!