Sometimes your greatest strength is your greatest weakness. Sometimes the best in you can also expose you to the worse in others. The character trait that dominates as your strongpoint in one instance can become an opportunity to leave you hurt or disappointed in another instance.
For example, Trey is very laidback or easy going and may be well liked by others because he is willing to help others, and everyone wants someone like that around. On the flip side, Trey is so nice and humble he may have a problem saying “No” and eventually find himself overwhelmed and unappreciated. Now he begins to resent certain people and decides no longer to be so nice. Trey’s selflessness has caused him to be taken advantage of.
Angela, who chooses to believe the best in people by overlooking their faults and love unconditionally, has the power to motivate and uplift someone with encouragement. Because she is so willing to love only after he has gained her trust, her blinders cause her to develop feelings for someone who is not used to receiving this special treatment. Even though he had feelings too, he disregards her in a way that leaves her feeling desolate and her presence is no longer desired. She has been here before, so she decides to put up a wall around her heart. One of her best assets of seeing the best in people no matter what they have done wrong now causes her to second guess her judgment and she hides from love.
Repeatedly going through similar unfavorable incidents in your life is like strength training with a personal trainer. The more repetitions you do the more resistance and muscle you put on. Soon after you have gone through the routine numerous times, the effort doesn’t faze you at all. You’re able to turn the resistance up a notch. The same goes for when you are going in circles it seems with the same issue or new challenges one after the other. The more times you deal with them the stronger your roots become and you are not moved by the catastrophic events in your life. You are able to turn the adversity up a notch.
Since your body can get used to the workout, there are times you may hit a plateau. Because you stop seeing results, now your guard is down. You don’t practice healthy eating (feeding yourself positive affirmations). You don’t stretch (move beyond your comfort zone). You don’t warm up or cool down (so you jump in unprepared and collapse before the assignment is complete). It is necessary to change up our routine so it shocks the body and you don’t become too familiar. Don’t give up on the traits within you whether it is wisdom, selflessness, humor, love, motivation, bluntness. This is what makes you, you. Don’t deny the inner spirit its right to reign in your life. You can train yourself based on experiences when to use that trait to your benefit. You have to learn who and what to give yourself to. Because it wasn’t appreciated in one chapter of your life, doesn’t mean it won’t work out in the next chapter so finish the book.
If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author. ~Mark Houlahan
Push through the pain…Tarry through the tears…Spit out the salt from the sweat…Bandage the blood… Don’t be afraid of what you’re made of.