About This Blogspot

Words of Wisdom for Wealth is designed to inspire you to stretch beyond your reach. Your only boundaries are your own perceptions of your potential. Listen to your life. Sometimes we ignore our gut instinct when we should act on it. Many will say not to dwell on the past but mistakes are to be learned from not repeated, so even though its filed away, bring back to memory what went wrong and do something DIFFERENT this time!

If your VISION is impaired then get into FOCUS! Are we there yet? There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. You are approaching your destination but never arriving, because the journey never ends.

Have an amazing day and remember when you feel you want to give up and have nothing left to give, you always have time, talent, and treasures. Posses them with power and use them with authority!

Stay posted for my upcoming book..

~Much love,Pamela

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Just one light can make a big difference, when there is darkness all around. When you turn on a light in an already lighted room, you make it just a little bit brighter. But when you turn on a light in a room that was completely dark, you significantly change the environment. The light reveals possibilities. It make obstacles less menacing. It makes the situation clearer and easier to understand. The more you are surrounded by negativity, the more impact you can have by being positive. Just one person who insists that yes, we can get it done, and who steadily works to make it happen, can achieve astonishing results. If there is negative energy all around you, see it as an opportunity. Consider how much of a difference you can make with your positive thoughts and actions. Turn on your own light, and those nearby cannot help but see. The darker it is around you, the brighter your light will shine.

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